このSettling Time(tSETTLE)とはSingle Shot modeを使用して、STARTピンをONする度にかかる時間なのでしょうか?
それとも同じデータレートがセットされていれば、初回の起動時以外はSettling Timeはかからないと認識でよろしいでしょうか?
(Table 7. Settling Time for Different Data Rates)
(データシートP.37 9.4.6 Single-Shot Modeより抜粋)
Single-shot mode is enabled by setting the SINGLE_SHOT bit in the CONFIG4 register to ‘1’. In single-shot
mode, the ADS1299-x performs a single conversion when the START pin is taken high or when the START
command is sent. As shown in Figure 44, when a conversion is complete, DRDY goes low and further
conversions are stopped. Regardless of whether the conversion data are read or not, DRDY remains low. To
begin a new conversion, take the START pin low and then back high, or send the START command again. When
switching from Continuous Conversion mode to Single-Shot mode, bring the START signal low and back high or
send a STOP command followed by a START command.