8.3.5 Input Voltage Switch
There is an internal switch that connects the input voltage applied at pin VIN to the VIN_SW output. The switch
can be used to connect an external voltage divider for an ADC monitoring to the input voltage. An enable pin
EN_VIN_SW turns the switch on and off, making sure there is no current through that external voltage divider
when not needed. A logic high level on EN_VIN_SW turns the switch on once the input voltage is above the
undervoltage lockout threshold and the device is enabled. The switch can be used for other purposes as long as
the current rating of 5 mA and its turn-on resistance is observed. An external voltage divider should be in a range of 10 kΩ to 100 kΩ. Larger values than 100 kΩ can be used as long as the input resistance and capacitance of the external circuit (e.g. ADC input) is observed.